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Teaching Experience

Teaching Certificates


2016: Doctoral Supervisor Training within the Faculty of Science and Technology

2016: Supervising PhD Students

2015: Teaching in Higher Education, Step 2 - Course design, examination & evaluation

2013: Introduction to problem-based learning (PBL)

2009: Teaching in Higher Education, Step 1 - Learning, instructing & knowledge



Teaching activities


2020–present: Course Leader & Lecturer, Science for Sustainable Development, 5 c.
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University

2019–present: Programme Director, Master’s Programme in Sustainable Development (THU2M), 120 c.
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University

2019–present: Lecturer, "Climate Wars"; Jordens undergång (1GV173), 7.5 c.
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University

2019: Lecturer, “Governance and Governmentality”; Climate Change Leadership (PhD Course), 5 c.
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University

2016–present: Course Leader & Lecturer, Energy, Water and Food (1GE059), 15 c.
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University

2016–present: Course Leader & Lecturer, Energy Security in Local and Global Energy Systems (1GV334), 5 c.
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University

2016: Group Leader, Environmental Assessment (1HY042), 5 c.
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University

2015: Lecturer, "The Global Politics of Biofuels"; Natural Resource Use (PhD Course), 7.5 c.
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University

2014: Course Leader & Lecturer, Sustainable Development in the Global Context (744G06), 15 c.
Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University

2013–2014: Lecturer, "Civil Society in Global Environmental Governance", Int. Environmental Management, 7.5 c.
Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University

2013: Group Leader, Miljövetenskap A2 (746G24), 30 c.
Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University

2013: Course Leader, Miljöövervakning (746G29), 7.5 c.
Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University

2012–2014: Lecturer, "The Aral Sea Catastrophe", Environmental and Resource Use Challenges, 7.5 c.
Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University

2012–2013: Lecturer, "Nietzsche’s Perspectivism", Limits of Science, 7.5 c.
Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University

2012: Course Leader, Internationell miljömanagement (746G28), 7.5 c.
Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University

2010–2012: Lecturer, "The Global Politics of Biofuels", Biofuels for Transportation, 6 c.
Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University

2009–2010: Course Leader & Lecturer, Sustainable Development in the Global Context (744G06), 15 c.
Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University

2008–2009: Lecturer, "Resource conflicts: The Case of Biofuels", Resource Flows and Commodity Chains, 9 c.
Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University



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