Magdalena Kuchler PhD
Publications & Activities
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Kraushaar-Friesen, N., Bridge, G., & Kuchler, M. (2025). Seas of change: An evolving imaginary of offshore energy capture on the United Kingdom's Continental Shelf. Energy Research & Social Science, 120, 103889. DOI:
Lechowicz, K., & Kuchler, M. (2024). Disassembling Poland's high-carbon imaginaries from within: The case of local activism in Upper Silesia. Energy Research & Social Science, 111, 103461. DOI:
Kuchler, M., & Stigson, G. M. (2024). Unravelling the ‘collective’in sociotechnical imaginaries: A literature review. Energy Research & Social Science, 110, 103422. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2024.103422.
Kuchler, M., Craig-Thompson, A., Alofe, E., & Tryggvason, A. (2024). SubCity: Planning for a sustainable subsurface in Stockholm. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 144, 105545. DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2023.105545.
Kuchler, M., & Bridge, G. (2023). Speculating on shale: Resource-making and the ‘politics of possibility’ in Poland and the UK. Political Geography, 107, 102978. DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2023.102978.
Merle, R., Troll, V. R., Höök, M., Kuchler, M., Byrne, P. K., & Donoso, G. (2023). Extra‐terrestrial resources: A potential solution for securing the supply of rare metals for the coming decades? Geology Today, 39(6), 225-230. DOI: 10.1002/eet.2072.
Blicharska, M., Smithers, R. J., Kuchler, M., Munaretto, S., van den Heuvel, L., & Teutschbein, C. (2023). The water–energy–food–land–climate nexus: Policy coherence for sustainable resource management in Sweden. Environmental Policy and Governance, Early View. DOI: 10.1002/eet.2072.
Stoddard I., Anderson K., Capstick S., Carton W., Depledge J., Facer K., Gough C., Hache F., Hoolohan C., Hultman M., Hällström N., Kartha S., Klinsky S., Kuchler M., Lövbrand E., Nasiritousi N., Newell P., Peters G. P., Sokona Y., Stirling A., Stilwell M., Spash C., & Williams M. (2021). Three decades of climate mitigation: why haven't we bent the global emissions curve? Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 46, 12.1–12.37. In Press. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-environ-012220-011104. [ Open Access ]
Wachtmeister, H., Kuchler M., & Höök, M. (2021). How Many Wells? Exploring the Scope of Shale Gas Production for Achieving Gas Self-Sufficiency in Poland. Natural Resources Research, 30(3), 2483-2496. DOI: 10.1007/s11053-021-09858-w. [ Open Access ]
Kuchler, M., & Höök, M. (2020). Fractured visions: Anticipating (un)conventional natural gas in Poland. Resources Policy, 68, 1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101760. [ Open Access ]
Kama, K., & Kuchler, M. (2019). Geo-Metrics and Geo-Politics: Controversies in Estimating European Shale Gas Resources. In: Bobbette, A., & Donovan, A. (Eds), Political Geology. Cambridge: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 105–145. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-98189-5_4. [ Open Access ]
Kuchler, M., & Bridge, G. (2018). Down the black hole: Sustaining national socio-technical imaginaries of coal in Poland. Energy Research & Social Science, 41, 136-147. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2018.04.014. [ Open Access ]
Kuchler, M. (2017). Post-conventional energy futures: Rendering Europe's shale gas resources governable. Energy Research & Social Science, 31, 32-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2017.05.028. [ Open Access ]
Blicharska, M., Smithers, R. J., Kuchler, M., Agrawal, G. K., Gutiérrez, J. M., Hassanali, A., ... & Mikusiński, G. (2017). Steps to overcome the North-South divide in research relevant to climate change policy and practice. Nature Climate Change, 7(1), 21-27. DOI: 10.1038/nclimate3163.
Kuchler, M. (2017). The human rights turn: ENGOs’ changing tactics in the quest for a more transparent, participatory and accountable CDM. Environmental Politics, 26(4), 648-668. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2017.1319018. [ Open Access ]
Kuchler, M. (2017). Stakeholding as sorting of actors into categories: implications for civil society participation in the CDM. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 17(2), 191-208. DOI: 10.1007/s10784-015-9314-5.
[ Open Access ]
Kuchler, M., & Hedrén, J. (2016). Bioenergy as an empty signifier. Review of Radical Political Economics, 48(2), 235-251.
DOI: 10.1177/0486613415591804. [ Open Access ]
Kuchler, M., & Lövbrand, E. (2015). Simulative governance: on the collaborative narrative of civil society participation in the CDM stakeholder framework. Environmental Politics, 25(3), 434-453. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2015.1102352. [ Open Access ]
Kuchler, M. (2014). Sweet dreams (are made of cellulose): Sociotechnical imaginaries of second-generation bioenergy in the global debate. Ecological Economics, 107, 431-437. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.09.014. [ Open Access ]
Kuchler, M. (2012). Fields of Gold: The Bioenergy Debate in International Organizations. Linköping Studies in Arts and Science, 557. Linköping: Linköping University. [ Open Access ]
Kuchler, M., & Linnér, B-O. (2012). Challenging the food vs. fuel dilemma: genealogical analysis of the biofuel discourse pursued by international organizations. Food Policy, 37(5), 581-588. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2012.06.005. [ Open Access ]
Kuchler, M. (2010). Unravelling the argument for bioenergy production in developing countries: A world-economy perspective. Ecological Economics, 69(6), 1336-1343. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2010.01.011. [ Open Access ]
Peer-Review Conference & Workshop Proceedings
van Veelen, B., & Kuchler, M. (2021). Disassembly and the heterotemporalities of low-carbon transitions. Paper presented at the Nordic Science and Technology Studies Conference 2021 (NOSTS 2021), Copenhagen Business School, May 20-21, 2021 (virtual).
Kuchler, M., & Bridge, G. (2021). The rise of hyper-speculation in post-conventional energy futures. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Association of Geographers (AAG), 7-11 April 2021, Seattle (virtual).
Kuchler, M., & Bridge, G. (2020). The rise of hyper-speculation in post-conventional energy futures. Paper presented at the EASST/4S 2020 Conference "Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds", 18-21 August 2020, Prague, Czechia (virtual).
Kuchler, M., & Bridge, G. (2019). The rise of hyper-speculation in post-conventional energy futures. Workshop on “Geo-imaginaries”, 25–27 September 2019, Sigtuna, Sweden.
Kuchler, M., & Bridge, G. (2019). The rise of hyper-speculation in post-conventional energy futures. Paper presented at the 4S: Society and Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, 4–7 September, New Orleans, US.
Kama, K., & Kuchler, M. (2018). Resource-making as (geo)politics of knowledge: epistemic struggles in estimating European shale gas resources. Annual Meeting of American Association of Geographers (AAG) in New Orleans, 10–14 April 2018.
Kuchler, M. (2017). Rendering post-conventional energy futures governable: implications for the Arctic. Paper presented at the Workshop “Anticipating Abundance: Economizing the Arctic”, 11-12 May 2017, Durham University, Durham, UK.
Kuchler, M. (2017). Unconventional energy futures: rendering Europe's shale gas resources governable. Paper presented at the 13th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference “hopefulNESS 2017”, 6–8 June 2017, University of Tampere, Finland.
Kuchler, M. (2016). Unconventional energy futures: rendering Europe's shale gas resources governable. Paper presented at the EASST 2016 Conference “Science & technology by other means”, 31 August – 3 September 2016, Barcelona.
Kuchler, M., Hedrén, J. (2015). On the de-politicizing effects of global environmental governance: in search of the political in the Clean Development Mechanism. Paper abstract accepted for the European Society for Ecological Economics ESEE 2015: Transformations, 30 June – 3 July 2015, University of Leeds, UK.
Kuchler, M., 2015. The shale gas odyssey: sociotechnical imaginaries of fracking in Poland’s national energy strategies and policies. Paper accepted for The 12th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference (NESS), 9-11 June 2015, NTNU in Trondheim, Norway.
Kuchler, M., Lövbrand, E. (2014). Simulative governance: on the collaborative language of civil society participation in the CDM's stakeholder framework. Paper presented at the EASST 2014 Conference "Situating Solidarities: social challenges for science and technology studies", 17-19 September 2014, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland.
Kuchler, M., Lövbrand, E. (2014). Stakeholding as governmental rationality and practice: on the political effects of collaborative carbon market governance. Paper presented at "Devices and Desires: The Cultural Politics of a Low Carbon Society", Lund University 21-23 May 2014.
Kuchler, M. (2013). The emerging shale gas battlefield in the European Union: the case of Poland and Sweden. Paper presented at: The 11th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference (NESS), 11-13 June 2013, University of Copenhagen.
Kuchler, M., Hedrén, J. (2012). Bioenergy as an empty signifier. Paper presented at the Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse & Interaction (NORDISCO 2012). 21-23 November 2012, Linköping University.
Kuchler, M., Linnér, B-O. (2011). Challenging the food vs. fuel dilemma: genealogical analysis of the biofuel discourse pursued by international organizations. Paper presented at: KVA Symposium, "Global food security: biophysical and social limits and opportunities". 07 November 2011, Beijersalen, Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien, Stockholm.
Kuchler, M., Linnér, B-O. (2011). Challenging the food vs. fuel dilemma: genealogical analysis of the biofuel discourse pursued by international organizations. Paper presented at: The 10th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference (NESS), 14-16 June 2011, Stockholm University.
Kuchler, M., Linnér, B-O. (2008). Pros and Cons of International Biofuel Production. An overview of research and policy reports. Paper presented at: Uppsala Food and Nutrition Centre seminar highlighting the World Food Day 2008. "World food security and the challenges of climate change and bioenergy". 16 October 2008, Sal X, Universitetshuset, Uppsala universitet, Sweden.
Other Publications
Ostwald, M., Kuchler, M., 2009. Climate science and policy research coming into being. Examples from the international politics of bioenergy and the case of avoided deforestation. In: Lövbrand, E., Linnér, B-O., Ostwald, M. eds., Climate Science and Policy Research Conceptual and Methodological Challenges. Report 09:03. Norrköping: Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, Linköping University. [ .pdf ]
Kuchler, M., 2009. A Mind Exercise. In: Linking Science to Societal Benefits: Why, How and When? International Workshop at the Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, 14-17 September 2009, Linköping University, pp. 50-57. [ .pdf ]
Kuchler, M., Linnér, B-O., 2008. Pros and Cons of International Biofuel Production. An overview of research and policy reports. CSPR Briefing No. 3. Norrköping: Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, Linköping University. [ Open Access ]
Kuchler, M., 2007. Synergies between UNCTAD and UNFCCC - potentials, obstacles, consequences. Master's Thesis. Tema Institute - Water and Environmental Studies. Linköping: Linköping University. [ Open Access ]
Popular Science & Media presentations
Gluyas, J., & Kuchler, M. (2019). Fracking in the UK was doomed a decade ago – Tories have wasted precious time on a fossil fuel fantasy. The Conversation, 12 November 2019. [ link ]
Kuchler, M., & Anderson, K. (2018). Will Poland’s COP24 Presidency and its addiction to coal undermine ambitious global climate goals? Climate Change Leadership, December 2018. [ link ]
Svergies Radio (2015) Klotet: "Polen måste ändra energikultur" [ link ]
Corren (2012) "Biobränsle - en vision med problem," p. A16. [ .pdf ]
Radio Schweden (2012) "Bioenergie kann Entwicklungsländern schaden." [ link ]
LiU Magazine 2-10 (2010) "Biofuel or food? Competition over desirable farmland.", pp. 24-26. [ .pdf ]
Climate conference Attendance
Nov 2013: Observer at Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board 76th meeting [ webcast ]
Nov 2013: Observer at COP19, Warsaw Climate Change Conference
Dec 2009: Observer at COP15, Copenhagen Climate Change Conference
Dec 2008: Observer at COP14, Poznan Climate Change Conference