Magdalena Kuchler PhD
Academic Experience
Academic degrees
2019: Docent (Associate Professor) in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
2012: PhD in Water and Environmental Studies
2007: MS in Water and Environmental Studies
2003: MA in International Relations
Academic positions
2020 - present: Senior Lecturer
Natural Resources & Sustainable Development, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
2016 - 2020: Associate Senior Lecturer
Natural Resources & Sustainable Development, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
2015 - 2016: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Natural Resources & Sustainable Development, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
2013 - 2014: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, Department of Thematic Studies - Environmental Change, Linköping University
2012 - 2013: Lecturer
Department of Thematic Studies - Water and Environmental Studies, Linköping University
2008 - 2012: PhD Student
Department of Thematic Studies - Water and Environmental Studies, Linköping University
External funding
2021: "SubCity: Future imaginaries of the city subsurface" (Project leader), SEK 7,995,828
Formas - Planning for transformation - Stage 2 (Project ID: 2021-00106)
2021: "Integration of regional carbon budgets into regional climate policy" (Project leader), SEK 5,968,391
Swedish Energy Agency (Project ID: P51920-1)
2020: "Disassembling the power of high-carbon imaginaries" (Project leader), SEK 10,386,000
Swedish Research Council - Research Environment within Humanities and Social Sciences (Project ID: 2020-05363)
2020: "Disassembling carbon-intensive imaginaries in fossil fuel landscapes", (Project leader), SEK 180,000
Uppsala - Durham Joint Seedcorn Fund
2020: "SubCity: Future imaginaries of the city subsurface" (Project leader), SEK 300,000
Formas - Planning for transformation - Stage 1 (Project ID: 2020-00048)
2019: Workshop on "Geo-imaginaries" (Project leader), SEK 150,000
Riksbankensjubileumsfond (Project ID: F19-1300:1)
2019: "Decarbonising energy systems" (Co-applicant), SEK 170,000
Uppsala - Durham Joint Seedcorn Fund
2015: "Fractures in the EU energy future" (Project leader), SEK 3,672,510
Formas - Mobility Grant (Project ID: 2015-00455)
2014: International travel grant, SEK 7,000
Jubilee Grant from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
Academic visits
2019: Visiting researcher (March-May), Department of Geography, Durham University
2018: Visiting researcher (April-June), Department of Geography, Durham University
2017: Visiting researcher (April-June), Department of Geography, Durham University